HPE Hudson Firecracker 5K
This is a low key, family friendly event. There are those that line up in front and take things seriously. For the rest of us, it's a chance to have a jog and enjoy the people and the neighborhood!!
- Start Time:
- 8:45am EDT
- End Time:
- 10:00am EDT
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
HPE Hudson Firecracker 1 Mile
This is the "race" for the whole family!!!! All ages!!! All fitness levels!!! Come out and enjoy!!!
- Start Time:
- 8:15am EDT
- End Time:
- 8:30am EDT
- Registration:
- Online Registration is Closed
Online Registration has Ended.
This is a service fee for processing your race application. This may be slightly higher or lower per registrant than the amount shown here.