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Duathlon (Sunday)

2 mile run
9 mile bike (Equivalent to about 12-15 on the road)
2 mile run following mostly jeep trails around the lake

The run will start near the boat ramp with plenty of room to spread out. You will then proceed to the 9 mile (2 lap) bike course. The bike course is easy by off-road standards. a MTB is the best option but many have raced on their gravel, hybrid, or CX bikes. The bike course is mostly jeep roads with a few easy single track sections thrown in for good measure.
The run has several memorable hills that I am sure you will be talking about after you finish.
Open to ages 8 - 99.
Event Date:
Sunday February 23, 2025
Start Time:
8:30am CST
End Time:
11:00am CST
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

Adventure Race (Saturday)

Adventure racing is a team sport, so we encourage you to find a teammate to share the fun with. (*note: this is not a relay, teams will travel together for the duration of the event). Teams will consist of 2-3 member. You can, however, race solo if desired. Please email if you want to race solo
the kayak will be in the beautiful lake. You may bring your own kayak/canoe or you can select to add a canoe/kayak to the registration fee.
The bike trails are on the easy side by mountain bike standards (similar to our Dirt in Your shoe DU race)
MTB, CX, gravel and Hybrid will work.

Required Gear For Each Team:

Pen, or pencil, fully charged cell phone in a waterproof bag, First Aid Kit, Compass (optional), non-motorized Boat (if not renting)

Required Gear For Each Person:
Food & Water, Bike & Helmet, Paddle & PFD, Camelbak/Backpack
* boat rental will come with Paddle and PFD but you are welcome to bring your own paddles and PFD.

Approximate distances (you may travel more or less based on the route you take)
Running/Trekking: 3-5 miles
Biking: 6-10 miles
Paddling: 1-2 miles
Also 2-3 Special challenges that could take 5-15 minutes depending on the challenge.

More on adventure racing here:
Event Date:
Saturday February 22, 2025
Start Time:
8:30am CST
End Time:
11:30am CST
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

Kids Short course Duathlon (Age 6-10)

1/2 mile run
2 mile OFF-ROAD bike (1 lap)
1/2 mile run
The run and bike are not technical. There is a small hill that is at the very beginning and end of the bike.

Race starts at 11:30 A.M.
Event Date:
Sunday February 23, 2025
Start Time:
11:30am CST
End Time:
1:00pm CST
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

Kids Long course Duathlon (Age 11-16)

1 mile run
4 mile OFF-ROAD bike (2 lap)
1 mile run
The run and bike are not technical. There is a small hill that is at the very beginning and end of the bike.
Race starts at 12 noon
Event Date:
Sunday February 23, 2025
Start Time:
11:30am CST
End Time:
1:00pm CST
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

Duathlon Relay

This will happen the same time as the Sunday Duathlon. One Teammate does the run legs while one does the bike leg.
run 2 miles (teammate 1)
9 mile bike (Equivalent to about 12-15 on the road) (teammate 2)
2 mile run (teammate 1)
* Want to save some money? Volunteer to work water station (right outside transition) or in Transition when you are not on your leg of the race. Email us for $20 off code good for each athlete on your team.
Event Date:
Sunday February 23, 2025
Start Time:
8:30am CST
End Time:
11:00am CST
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

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