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TCRR's May Quarantine Challenge - Week 4

Mon May 25 - Sun May 31 Petersburg, VA 23805 US Directions

HIIT Workout

Thanks to Blake Robinson for this workout, which he calls: Legs Don’t fail me now!

You will perform the following exercises 3 - 4 times, depending on fitness level (2 min rest between rounds)
Air Squats 20
Walking Lunges -10 lunges up and back =20
Burpees 10
Wall sits 30 Sec
Jumping Jacks 20
Jump Rope 30 (you can jump in place if you don't have a rope)
Sprint 30 Sec

For completion you will upload the total time you spent doing the workout.
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If you choose to be silly, please upload a picture to our FB group!
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7.7 Miler

NOTE - We chose this distance so that you can have an automatic PR by the end of the month!
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Half Marathon

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Duathlon - 5K run, 20 mile bike, 5K run

You can complete these events in any order, but you will need to add your times together to post them to the event.
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