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Mt Erie Road and Trail Run - 20 Day Vertical Challenge

Thu October 1 - Tue October 20 Anacortes, WA 98221 US Directions

Mt Erie Road and Trail Run - 20 Day Vertical Challenge

Due to circumstances beyond our control the Annual Dallas Kloke Mt. Erie Road and Trail Run will not take place in 2020. In it's place we are encouraging our loyal participants to participate in our first ever 2020 Mt. Erie virtual run. In honor of the difficulty of running up Mt. Erie we are challenging runners to see how much elevation gains they can make in a 20 day span. We will also track distance and times.

How it will work. Each day the participant runs you will need an electronic device to track your elevation gains, distance run, and time it took you. Then the runner will enter their time on the website. You can run anywhere you want, it does not need to be up Mt. Erie. This virtual run will take place over 20 days in October. If you have any question please email:
Online Registration is Closed

Online Registration has Ended.

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