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How long is the stair climb? 
 The average time for an elite climber will be under 15 minutes; for other participants, average time will be 20-40 minutes.

Is there a cap on the number of registrants? 
We are limiting the event to 343 participants.    

How do you define an elite climber? 
An elite climber is someone who ascends the stairs swiftly in a competitive spirit.  Most participants are considered recreational climbers as opposed to elite climbers.  Elite climbers often participate in stair climb events and competitions.

What is the deadline for meeting the fundraising requirement? 
April 25, 2025, is the date that each participant must meet the fundraising requirement.  Should a portion of the minimum not be raised by the deadline, the credit card that was used to register will be charged the difference.

Is there a minimum age to participate? 
Yes, the minimum age to climb is 18.
If my company offers a gift match, can that count toward my minimum fundraising requirement? 
Yes, but only if the matching gift is received by 5 pm on April 25th to meet the $400 minimum.  All donations will be accepted regardless of timing.
Will my climb be timed? 
Yes, this is a timed climb!  There will be an RFID timing tag attached to your bib which will record your start and finish in order to give a final net time for your climb.  Climbers must wear their bib facing front in order to participate in the climb.
How will I know my arrival/start time? 
Start and arrival times will be emailed to registrants a few days prior to the event.  The first climber will go off at 8 am.
Will I be able to start with my team? 
Yes, team members will be assigned the same arrival/start time so they can line up together at the start. 
When will I receive my bib? 
You will pick up your bib the day of the climb at the registration desk. 
Will there be water available to climbers during the climb? 
Yes, there will be water stations along the climb as well as at the start and finish area. 
Can my friends and family watch me finish the climb? 
Sorry, no. Only registered climbers are permitted in the building during their climb. 
If I can’t participate in the stair climb, can I transfer my registration to someone else or receive a refund? 
Sorry, no.  Registrations are non-transferable and donations are non-refundable. 

Can I wear firefighting gear during the climb?
Yes, but only gear and helmets.  No tools, air packs, or hose lines will be permitted.
· Post on social media that you are participating in the 3rd Annual FDNY Foundation Climb to Summit presented by SL Green Realty Corp and share your fundraising page. You can also film a short video or write about why participating in this event is important to you. Make sure to tag @fdnyfoundation in your posts using the #FDNYStairClimb2025

· Customize your stair climb fundraising page with your personal story and photos. Make sure your fundraising goal is clear so your friends, colleagues and family members can help you exceed your goal.

· Share your fundraising page with your friends and family via text, WhatsApp and email. You can send them a short note like this:
Hello! I am one of 343 participants in the 3rd Annual FDNY Foundation Climb to Summit presented by SL Green Realty Corp on Sunday, May 4, 2025. I will be climbing 1,100 feet to the top of Summit One Vanderbilt and need your help to reach my fundraising goal of (insert goal).

I am raising money to support the FDNY Foundation. Their mission is to promote fire and life safety education and help the FDNY better protect New York. They fund programs that advance the FDNY’s goals which include maintaining operational excellence, reaching out to the community with fire and life safety programs, and ensuring that our first responders have the best available training and equipment.

I need your help to reach my fundraising goal to support the essential work of our first responders and the FDNY Foundation.
Please support my efforts by donating on my fundraising page by May 4 – the day of the stair climb! I will be thinking about all my supporters as I make my way up the stairs on that day.

Thank you for helping me to reach my goal and for supporting the FDNY. Your gift will help ensure that the FDNY has the resources it needs to remain the world leader in emergency response.

· Make sure to follow up once a week as your get closer to reaching your goal. Remind your friends, family, and colleagues that donations of all amounts will help you reach your goal. A little goes a long way! For example, if your goal is $1,000, you will need 40 people donating $25 each. If your goal is $400, you will need 40 people donating $10.

· Consider having an event to drive your fundraising; invite your community to a coffee shop, park, restaurant or bar to explain why you are participating and ask them to support your goals.

· Reminder your community: does your company match gifts? If so, this can double their donation to support your efforts.

· As you get closer to the event, make sure to check your fundraising goal and do one last push to your community via social media sharing the link. You can also do a video showing your race day gear and sharing your excitement about climbing Summit One Vanderbilt for the FDNY.

o Here is a sample message: Please support my efforts by donating on my fundraising page by May 4. I will be thinking about all my supporters as I make my way up the stairs.

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