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Jog For Good Virtual Jog With Purpose

Sat November 7, 2020 Any City, State, Indoors or Outdoors, FL 00000 US


Anywhere You Like!
Any City, State, Indoors or Outdoors, FL US 00000


Jog For Good Foundation Presents: Virtual Jog With Purpose

Our Purpose
At Jog For Good (JFG) we believe in changing the narrative for good to do good.  Our mission is to educate the community about the impact of racial inequity caused by implicit bias within the school and corporate environment. JFG uses data-driven tools to tailor professional development specifically for each school and business. 

Proceeds for the Virtual Jog will be used to provide free training courses to schools and their administrative teams around the country.  

Learn More at // //

Jog For Good Virtual Jog Event Details    

           What is Good 

  • The official Virtual Jog Day is Saturday, November 7
  • Like the Jog For Good Facebook and FB Event page to Stay Motivated and tag us #JogForGood #JogWithPurpose
  • You may jog/walk/run any distance that is Good for you
  • Submit your times to us by joining the Jog With Purpose Strava club or emailing us at

    What is Really Good

  • Jogger Kits will arrive before November 7th if participants register by October 20th
  • Kits include some Really Good Swag including Performance T-shirt, Bombas Sport Socks, and a Finisher Pin!  When registering, please remember to select your appropriate sizes.  You may also select not to receive any Really Good swag and the additional proceeds will fund racial bias education for schools and organizations.
  • You may purchase additional items during the registration process and find other great merchandise at

    What is Really, Really Good
  • Jog day will feature a Virtual warm up with purpose at 7:30 a.m. and a message from the Co-Founders at 6pm
  • Did you say Door Prizes?  Join us for the Facebook warm up OR post a message to the recording on Facebook and be entered to receive some cool Door Prizes
  • Photo Contest!  Show off your Good by submitting photos on our group page Jog With Purpose, on Strava, tagging us on Social Media or emailing  
    Giveaways will be awarded for the following categories:  Looking Good, Fun and Good, and Creatively Good
    Photos must be submitted by 6:00 p.m. on November 7th and winners will be announced by November 10th

Finally, a big THANK YOU!!! Thank you to everyone in the community who participates in this Jog to support the work of Jog For Good Foundation. And, a GIANT thank you to every one of our sponsors! We ask that you consider patronizing the following businesses that prioritize helping address racial bias:

Presenting Sponsor: 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



Like this page and invite your friends on Facebook.

Race Participant Survey

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