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ELEVATE Climbing Challenge

Mon June 1 - Fri July 31 Anywhere, FL 32164 US


Anywhere, FL US 32164


2020 has given us challenges like never before, some days leaving us feeling like it's an uphill battle, as if we're climbing never ending mountains. But we're strong and resilient and those mountains are not never ending. They have peaks and we can reach them. Challenge yourself for 8 weeks to climb a mountain. Get out of your comfort zone, where the magic happens. Take the stairs, take the hilly route, find new places and challenges to bike/run/walk that test your strength. No matter where you live, there are mountains to be climbed and we are all up for the challenge to reach the top. 

Starting June 1st we challenge you to log as much elevation gain as you can under your own power. You can be on your bike, foot, skateboard, indoor bike, treadmill, stair climber....any/all of the above as well as a combination. We have 6 peaks to work towards in 8 weeks. At the end of the challenge you'll receive a shirt that has your mountain listed on the back (see picture) as well as a custom made wooden wall hanging/finisher's medal as an award for your accomplishment. 

You can track your elevation gain with a number of different apps and programs (ie strava, garmin connect). You can even calculate elevation gain on a treadmill

Here are the mountain peaks to work towards:

Cheaha Mountain (Alabama): 2,407'

Hurricane Mountain (NY-Adirondacks): 3,694'

Brasstown Bald (Georgia-Southern Blue Ridge Front): 4,784'

Mount Katahdin (Maine-Northern Terminus of the AT): 5,268'

Mount Mitchell (Black Mountains, NC, highest peak East of the Mississippi): 6,684'

Mount Whitney (Sierra Mtns, CA-tallest mountain in the contiguous US): 14,494'

Instructions for submitting elevation data will be sent via email after you are registered. 

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