Brooksville, FL US 34614
You have between January 30th and February 28th 2021 to complete the race. You will log your time through the website but be prepared to show proof (via app or watch) if you receive an award. We will be awarding overall awards for male and female and 10 year age group awards for each as well (1-3rd place). All proceeds will go to a non profit 501c3 organization that provides help to law enforcement in need, families of fallen LEO and to help prevent suicide in LEO. For those that participated in the live brooksville race there will be different medals for this one. Each participant receives a BIB and medal. Anyone from anywhere can compete and you can run/walk this anywhere you want!
Please allow 2 weeks for processing/handling and shipping! Shipping is free!
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.