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Medal Madness 5K & 10K at Gemini Springs Park (9-2022)

Sat September 24, 2022 DeBary, FL 32713 US Directions



8:00AM EDT


8:00AM EDT


Gemini Springs Park
37 Dirksen Drive
DeBary, FL US 32713


US Road Running Medal Madness 
Finishers will select and receive one of our large 3-inch finisher medals at the race.
We have a number of different medals at each race to choose from.
This race is held every month. 
The races are small personal races designed to get to know other runners.
This race is limited to 50 registrations. 
This race is part of the US Road Running Race Series and you will earn series points at each race.
To view, the series points go to 
Walkers are always welcome.

The race starts at 8:00 AM.
Packet pickup starts 30 minutes before the race and ends 10 minutes before the race starts.

Out and back.
Multiple laps.
Course map: 

Overall Awards
Overall awards are handed out at the finish line.  
The awards are placards that go on the back of your finisher medal.  
We do not have an award ceremony.

1st Place Overall Male
2nd Place Overall Male
3rd Place Overall Male
1st Place Overall Female
2nd Place Overall Female
3rd Place Overall Female

Age Group Awards
We do not have age group awards at each race, but we have age group awards for the US Road Running Race Series.
The awards are 3-inch medals that are mailed out at the end of each year.
To view, age groups and series go to 

Race Rules
Entry fees are non-refundable, with no exceptions. 
We reserve the right to cancel in extreme circumstances. 
Should the event be canceled, we will transfer your registration to our next event at the same location. 
You may request to transfer to another event 24 hours before the races start. 
No dogs on the course.

Sponsorship Options
Provide or hand out snacks or water bottles to the runners with your company information.  
You will need to provide snacks or water bottles.

Race Director
Steve Evans 

US Road Running Race Club
This is a US Road Running Race Club race.
The club has over two hundred races each year.  
For most locations, we have races every month.  
It is not required to be a club member to attend a US Road Running race.  
It is required that you have fun.  
Club members receive 50% off all US Road Running club races when they preregister using RunSignUp.  
For more information about the club go to 

Club President
Brandon Parks 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


MapMyRun Map

Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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