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UF Hearoes for Hearing x Student Academy of Audiology Little Ears Field Day 2022

Sat March 19 - Sun March 27 Gainesville, FL 32612 US Directions


In-person Field Day (Adult)

03/19 10:00AM EDT - 2:00PM EDT

In-person Field Day (Child)

03/19 10:00AM EDT - 2:00PM EDT

Virtual Walk (Adult)

03/19 - 03/27 12:00AM EDT - 11:59PM EDT

Virtual Walk (Child)

03/19 - 03/27 12:00AM EDT - 11:59PM EDT


Norman Field
Gainesville, FL US 32612


Hearoes for Hearing is the non-profit philanthropy of the University of Florida National Student Speech-Language and Hearing Association (NSSLHA). Our charity directly benefits patients in the UF Health Cochlear Implant Program. This spring Hearoes is hosting a hybrid and collaborative field day. Please join us in supporting Hearoes either in-person or virtually!
Our in-person event is on Saturday, March 19th from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm at UF's Norman Field in Gainesville! This year we are collaborating with UF Student Academy of Audiology as Little Ears Field Day. Join us for a fun festival with games, crafts, and learning about hearing and audiology. We also have a virtual walk component to our field day if you are joining us virtually! Walk/run/cycle a distance of your choosing anytime between Saturday, March 19th and Sunday, March 27th in any location and upload your results to Runsignup. Show your Hearoes spirit by creating a sidewalk chalk mural of choice (examples: superhearoes, Hearoes logo, ears, cochlear implants) and share pictures on our Hearoes social media!
Registration for our in-person event closes on Saturday, March 19th at 7:00 am; please make sure to register before this date! Registration for our virtual event will be open through March 26th at 11:59 pm. Pricing is as follows: $18 for adults & $15 for children (in-person at Norman Field) and $15 for adults & $12 for children (virtual).
Hosted by UF’s Student Academy of Audiology and Hearoes for Hearing, Little Ears Field Day provides a day of fun, games, and learning about hearing and audiology for the pediatric patients we serve in our community and their families! After a two-year hiatus, SAA is so excited to be able to put on this event again and has so many fun activities planned for both children and adults to enjoy. We hope to see you there!
According to the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, approximately 28 million Americans have a hearing impairment. The purpose of Hearoes for Hearing is to raise money for the UF Cochlear Implant Fund to help purchase new test materials and therapy materials in the speech department for habilitation and rehabilitation, audiological tests, and provide loaner equipment for both the children and adult patients. Additionally, we strive to spread awareness about hearing loss throughout the Gainesville community. In 2017, we raised over $9,000 and had over 250 participants at our annual 5k. In 2018, we raised $16,982 and had 316 participants at our 5k! In 2019 and 2020, we raised over $15,000 and had roughly 850 attendees at our events. In 2021, despite the changes that came with the pandemic, we raised $10,364 with more than 198 participants. Thanks to our incredible, dedicated participants, Hearoes for Hearing continues to grow every year! Although this year looks different, our goal is to continue to create diverse events and provide a community for the patients and families. We hope you decide to join our cause in supporting the local hearing loss community.

*Norman Field is located east of 13th Street across from Sorority Row.

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