Zonta of Key West
The Zonta Club of Key West presents the Awareness Breast Cancer 5K & 10K. The money raised from this event provides important preventive services for women who otherwise cannot afford them. This annual event has changed the lives of many women in the lower keys. The money raised has been able to provide over 3,500 mammograms to local women over the past 31 years and services are provided for any woman in need. Help keep our tatas safe and donate or register today for this fun event.

We would like to thank our Sponsors –
Historical Tours of America, Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory, Barak Pensions, Emeralds International, Salute and Blue Heaven, WEOW/FM Florida Keys Media, Manley Debour Lumber Company, Strunk Hardware, First State Bank, Centennial Bank, Pepsi, Fausto’s, Arnolds Towing, Preferred Properties