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Tuesday Brew Crew | 5:45 PM

a free LRC community run

📍  Swan Brewing, 115 W Pine St

🚘 parking is on nearby neighborhood streets

Map Location

Get Ready to Run

What is the difference between Checking In and Signing Up?

Check in - a record of your attendance at a specific event on a specfic date. You will check in every time you run with the group. 

Sign Up - an annual requirement to record your intention to train with the LRC and collect a waiver.  You will sign up once for a calendar year.

Register for Multiple Runs
Tuesdays • 6:00 PM

Tues. Group Run

$0 Registration valid until Dec 14, 2025

This program is held by the Lakeland Runners Club, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to promote running and fitness for people of all ages and abilities in the community.

This group run is free and open to all runners in our community. Your registration helps us follow best practices for nonprofit organizations and is necessary for our insurance program.

Group Run Information

Runs are better with a buddy! Join the LRC on Tuesday evenings for a community run starting at Swan Brewing (Lake Wire) location. 

The group run will start at 5:45 PM with check in starting 15 minutes before. Check out our recommended route maps below.

This run is for all experience levels. We will circle up for announcements and take a group photo, then start together. The run coordinator will help match up runners based on pace, but there are no official pace leaders, and the group will naturally spread out. There are water fountains on the 5k and 5 mile route, you'll need to carry water if you need it for the 3.5 mile route.

There will always be people doing shorter runs, some will continue on for more miles, and others will make up their own routes. It’s all good, we're glad to have you, and hope you'll join us under the tent for fellowship after your run.

Runners who sign up and check-in will receive a free tee after completing 10 runs. 

Check-in at each run online. There will be a QR code on display to make it easy. 

Any questions? Contact us today!

Please allow 48 hours for our volunteers to respond

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