Lecanto, FL US 34461
(When you sign up, you can choose to sign up for any high school. The high school with the most participants will be recognized. On the event home page just above photo there is a link to Group/Teams; click there if you wish to support a high school. If your high school is not there, you can add it or contact Freddie at She will enter your school. The group type is High School Support. Then enter high school name as group name-- if not there.)
We welcome you to join us in the Third annual Beat the Traffick 5k! Our goal is to raise awareness for human trafficking, with all proceeds being donated to Free Network. Free Network is a "501c3 non-profit organization focused on confronting and combating all forms of human trafficking while empowering victims to survive and thrive in their communities." (
It is estimated that internationally, there are 20-40 million people who fall victim to human trafficking, and less than 1% of these are identified and found. We ask you to join us to help with our cause and protect children here in the US and around the globe.
Registration is $20 for 5K; $15 for the mile for those wanting a t-shirt and $10 for the mile for those NOT wanting a t-shirt
Registration to receive the t-shirt giveaway must be done by 3 pm on Wednesday, January 12.
The mile will begin at 8:15 a.m.-- it will be a down and back. The 5K will begin at 8:30 a.m.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.