2451 N Dean Rd
Orlando, FL US 32817
This virtual run is as spooky as you want it to be. Run or Walk the 5k anywhere and send us your results.
Registration Cost: $15.00
About Us
Deliz Running was founded with the express purpose of returning 5k racing to its affordable roots. We strongly believe a 5k race should be accessible to all and should serve as an introduction to competitive running and a training ground for those who want to make running part of their lifestyle. A quality course, with performance awards, at the most affordable price we can manage.
The Original Race Course
You can do this race anywhere you would like. But if you would like to run the original course: The original race course follows the Little Econ River along the Greenway Trail. The race begins in Blanchard Park on the trail directly across the road from Pavilion 2 and heads west out of the park for 1.55 miles to the turn-around point, before heading back to the starting line. The turn around point was ten feet before the water fountain after the horseshoe wooden bridge and before the Econ overpass. The 3.1 mile course is tree lined with plenty of shady spots all along the Little Econ river bank. The race course is mostly flat and fully paved with only a couple of slight rises, with the wooden Horseshoe Bridge providing a brief change of running surface.
You can run the original race course at Blanchard Park - the park will be open and available, but we cannot hold the race due to local COVID restrictions on events.
Race Timing
Use any app you would to use to keep your own time. You can email us your race time or send us a screen capture from your app, with your name, to
Race Medal
All participants will receive a commemorative race medal
Race Results
Race results will become available as they are received on Sunday October 31, 2021 - Results will be available on
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.