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RUN FOR ROTARY 5K Challenge(virtual)!

Sat April 10 - Sun April 11 Palmetto Bay, FL 33157 US Directions


Shirt Pickup- 17641 Old Cutler Rd
Palmetto Bay, FL US 33157


Tie your laces and join us on our distance challenge! Whether on a treadmill or at a park, participants are able to join the challenge!

How it works: 

This is a VIRTUAL 5k race/walk. After you register for the race on this website, you will do the 5k (3.1 miles), on your own at whatever time you choose from Saturday, April 10, 2021 through Sunday, April 11, 2021.  If you registered before the deadline of March 20, 2021, you can pick up your shirt at the Ludovici Park located at 17641 Old Cutler Rd Palmetto Bay, FL US 33157, on Saturday April 10th, from 9:00am - 11:00am.   If you are unable to pick up the shirt please email  Make sure that you record the time it took for you to complete the 5k, and then come back to this website to enter your results by clicking the tab on the left titled "Results".   There will be medals provided for the best time for following age groups: 18-30, 30-45, 45-60, 60 and above.   All children under 18 will receive a small participation medal (which will be distributed at the same time/location as the shirts).      

Donations: Donations are highly encouraged and will be recognized on the website. Our recommended donation is $100 which would go to funding our community projects. Give back to the community and don’t forget to donate as you register for the virtual challenge.

Sponsors: Interested in becoming a sponsor for Rotary? Sponsors ranging from bronze, silver, and gold will be promoted on the “Virtual Run for Rotary Challenge” shirt. Becoming a sponsor is one easy step, email us at and all the information will be sent your way!

Learn more about us!!:

The Rotary Club of Perrine, Cutler Ridge/Palmetto Bay is a non-profit organization that is hosting  Run For Rotary!  Of course due to the pandemic it is a virtual run (or walk) event, but you still get a wonderful shirt and you get to donate to a great cause!  Rotary's mission is to help the community through service. We have given scholarships to needy students, donated food and supplies to homeless students and their families, we have helped West Perrine Park where underprivileged students go for local activities, summer camp, tutoring and other resources. Rotary also assists internationally by going to India to distribute Polio vaccines to the poor, build water wells in the poor areas of Jamaica, and after Hurricane Dorian hit Grand Bahamas, we gave the people from there a truck for water distribution!  Please help us be able to continue the great work we do by donating to Rotary! 


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

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