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The St. Marks Duathlon

Sun February 23, 2025 Directions



The 2025 edition of the St. Marks Duathlon will be held on Sunday, February 23rd. 


We hope you can come out and enjoy this fun and competitive multisport event. The race consists of a 5K (3.1 miles) run, 20K (12.4 miles) bike, and 2.5K (1.6 miles) run in that order.  Proceeds from the event go to support the Gulf Winds Triathletes. The St. Marks Duathlon is a USA Triathlon sanctioned race, which means all participants must hold a USA Triathlon membership or purchase a one-day license. 


Course maps are linked below: 

Run #1 Route     Bike Route      Run #2 Route

The course will be marked with arrows and signage, and volunteers will provide guidance to athletes on the course. However, it is the responsibility of each athlete to review course maps prior to race day to know the course, as well as to follow the guidance of volunteers and officers controlling traffic. The courses are marked with spray chalk arrows in the following colors:

  • 5k run - RED
  • Bike course - YELLOW
  • 2.5k run - WHITE 


Please remember that the course is OPEN to traffic.  You are required to adhere to all traffic laws and are responsible for riding in a safe manner that does not endanger yourself, other riders, or motorists. Our number one goal on the bike is getting everyone out and back safely.  There will be law enforcement at the major intersections and at the turnaround, as well as volunteer support to help direct traffic. We also hope to have motorcycles on the course to monitor for safety.  These motorcycles are not officials; they will be looking for unsafe conduct. 


There will be one aid station with water on the run course(s), located approximately at the 2 mile mark on the 5k course and before the first mile on the 2.5k run course. There will be no aid stations on the bike course. Athletes are responsible for bringing their own fluids and nutrition as needed for the race, and no littering is allowed on-course. Please be respectful to the City of St. Marks for allowing us to host this race. 


You will have a race bib for timing purposes. The bib must be worn for the entire race. You must wear your bib on your front when entering transition and finishing the race. If volunteer timers cannot see your bib, your race or splits may not be timed correctly


At the finish line, volunteers will need to retrieve your bib number for timing purposes.  Please listen for their instructions and cooperate with the volunteers.


Optional packet pickup will be held on Saturday, February 22nd from 3-6pm at the Trek Bicycle store in Tallahassee (2784 Capital Circle NE). Athletes who do not wish to pick up their bibs/packets early may begin checking in at 7:00 am on race morning.

Arrive early for best parking. Parking will be along the edge of transition. Volunteers will be there to direct you for parking starting at 6:45am. Athletes will need to present a valid ID to check in and receive their packet containing their bib number. Transition racks will be first-come, first-serve. Bikes must be racked by the saddle in alternating directions. You must check in before you will be permitted to enter the transition area. Transition will close at 7:45am and racers should be at the race start line no later than 7:50am. The Duathlon will be a single wave start at 8:00 AM at the south end of Mock Street just west of transition.

Athletes who register after February 13, 2025 are not guaranteed a t-shirt. 


There is no Fat Tire category in USAT racing, however, the St. Marks Duathlon has elected to have such a division in an effort to allow individuals who don’t own a road or triathlon style bike the ability to compete with other athletes racing on similar equipment. The decision as to what is considered a “Fat Tire” bike is up to the race director. Our race committee has the following criteria as what will constitute a Fat Tire bike for the race and therefore will be eligible for awards in this category:
· Tires – Knobby or heavily grooved tires with a width of 1.5 inches or greater. Bikes with slick surface tires are not eligible for the fat tire division.
· Handlebars – Clip-on aero bars are allowed. Handlebars and stem must be fashioned to prevent danger and all handlebar ends must be plugged.
· Brakes – Consistent with USAT rules, there must be one working brake on each of the two wheels.
· Gravel bikes are acceptable as long as they have knobby or heavily grooved tires.
All other USAT rules will apply. The Race Director will make the final determination. If you have any questions, please email the Race Director at


Relay teams must consist of 2 or 3 members. Each member will hand off their bib (that includes your timing chip) to the next competitor from the transition area. Relays may be single-gender or mixed-gender. Awards will be given to the top male-only, female-only, and mixed relay teams. 


There will be 4 porta-potties on site located near the transition/parking area. There will be no porta-potties located elsewhere on the course.   


We will have body marking available at the race; however, we recommend pre-marking yourself to speed up the race morning process. Please write your Bib Number on both arms so that it is visible.  Please mark your age (as of 12/31/25) on the back of your left calf. 


Once you have completed the race, athletes will be permitted to enter transition to retrieve your bike and gear.  You will exit through the designated exit point monitored by a volunteer.  Please cooperate with the volunteer as they are doing their best to make sure that your bike goes home with you and not someone else.  


The event cut-off to receive an official finish time is 2 hours.
Cutoff times are enforced not to hinder athletes from participating, but to ensure safety of all athletes on the course. This cutoff, for example, would allow an athlete to take 45 minutes to complete the 5K (roughly 15:00/mile), an hour to bike 20K (12.4 mph) and 15 minutes to run 2K.  


Post-race food and beverages will be available for athletes and volunteers at the conclusion of the race. Awards will be presented to Overall, Masters, Grand Masters, and Age Group podium finishers. The award ceremony is expected to begin at 10:00 am. 


As a USAT sanctioned event, the St. Marks Duathlon has a NO REFUND policy.  There is a $15 fee for ANY changes to your registration.


The St. Marks Duathlon reserves the right in the event of inclement weather, emergency, or natural disaster to cancel the race or postpone to a later time that day. Additionally, the St. Marks Duathlon reserves the right to cancel this event due a local, state and/or federal declaration of emergency.


25 Riverside Drive, St. Marks, Florida

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

2025 Sponsors

We are grateful to our sponsors for their support of the 2025 edition of the St. Marks Duathlon! Here are a few of the prizes they have contributed that our athletes will compete for on race day:

-              2x $75 gift certificates from the FSU Institute of Sports Sciences & Medicine for performance testing packages (VO2 Max, Lactate Threshold testing, etc.)

-              2x $50 and 4x $25 giftcards to Fleet Feet Tallahassee

-              2x Trek “CarBack” Radar Taillights (MSRP $200)

-              2x Trek Bicycle gift boxes (includes handlebar bag, multitool, patch kit, stickers)

…plus more sponsor giveaways and coupons to be found in your athlete packets, and St. Marks Duathlon Stainless Steel Tumblers for our award winners across all age groups and divisions.


25 Riverside Drive, St. Marks, Florida


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