Sanibel Island 10K Race 4 F.I.S.H. is now Virtual
Here Are Your Options:
FISH OF SANCAP regrets to inform you that our 10K Race 4 F.I.S.H. cannot take place due to massive destruction to Sanibel Island by Hurricane Ian. Like our entire community, we are at a loss for words. Runners are able to participate virtually to help aid in this recovery process. Proceeds to benefit F.I.S.H. of San-Cap, Inc. is a non-profit human services organization assisting Sanibel and Captiva islanders and visitors with a wide range of services. These include a food pantry, meals on wheels, transportation to medical appointments, loaning of medical equipment, and emergency financial assistance.
Event Pricing
Due to the damage and loss done by Hurricane Ian, there are no items available for packet pick-up.
Running with friends or co-workers? Create a team. Teams for this event are social teams. There is no aggregate team scoring. Top three teams with the largest participation will be recognized during the awards ceremony, on social and digital media post race.
Packet Pick-up & Registration
There will be no packet pick-up for this event.
Virtual Participants MANUAL ENTRY OF RESULTS
Times must be posted before November 15, 2022 (11:59PM). All event participants may post times here SUBMIT VIRTUAL RESULTS. This link can also be found under the results section of the race website for Sanibel Island 10K Race 4 F.I.S.H. website. Virtual participants are not eligible for awards.
For 40 years, FISH has been the social services agency and safety net for Sanibel & Captiva “neighbors”. The pandemic demonstrated how important FISH services are to the community due to the COVID-19 crisis.
In 2021, FISH answered 25,798 service requests, meeting various needs and helping neighbors. They distributed 255,980 pounds of food equating to 213,316 meals through the pantry program; distributed 4,294 food backpacks for kids, 5,090 meals through the Meals-by-FISH program, and made 1,186 reassurance calls to connect with island seniors, as well as providing school supplies, emergency financial assistance and other programs to ensure all members of our community received the support needed.
This year, in addition to our traditional sponsorship requests, opportunities to host 10K Day(s) at your place of business are available. By hosting an event, in which a portion of the proceeds go to the F.I.S.H. 10K, a product in your store or on your menu is highlighted to benefit FISH. Other creative collaborations are welcome! Should you decide to participate, we are asking that your 10K Day(s) take place between August 21st - October 23rd. If you would like to be a sponsor of the 10K Race 4 FISH, please contact Race Chair, Diane Cortese @ or Co-Chair Nicole McHale @, for additional details. FISH will publicize your 10K partnership and philanthropy through social media, their monthly newsletter, website, and the three island newspapers to help bring fellow supporters in the door!
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Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
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