3122 Golfview Rd.
Sebring, FL US 33870
This is the year we all turned 60! Let's get together and celebrate Caddyshack Bar & Grill. The goal of our gathering is to keep the costs as low as possible in atmospheres in which we can catch up with childhood friendships.
Friday October 19 - Social at Cowpoke's Watering Hole 6:00 until .......
Our celebration of six decades on this planet will begin on Friday evening at The Watering Hole. We will be at the Tiki Bar. Cowpoke's Watering Hole
Saturday October 20 - Dinner & More at Caddyshack Bar & Grille 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Join our fellow Blue Streaks for Dinner, Drinks, Music, Cake and More at Caddyshack Bar & Grille. Festivities begin at 6:00 pm. We have reserved the back room at Caddyshack for our celebration. The Dinner Buffet will include Baked Ziti, Shrimp, Wings, Meatballs, Fruit, Vegatables, Tea etc. and Cake. Caddyshacks has a full bar in which you can purchase your favorite adult beverage.
Cost is $20.00 per person. Add $15.00 if you would like a Blue Streak Long Sleever T-shirt. (Proceeds from the t-shirt sales help fund our celebration.)
Caddyshack Bar & Grille 3122 Golfview Rd, Sebring, FL 33870
You can register and pay by credit card on-line or send a check to Alan Dumbleton.
If you pay by check, mail the check to Alan Dumbleton, 5824 Derby Lane, Sebring, FL 33875 Make the check payable to Alan Dumbleton. In the memo line put Sebring High Class of '76. Cost $20.00 add $15.00 if you would like a t-shirt. (Let Alan know your t-shirt size if you order one.)
For those that which to continue to visit, our Blue Streak 60th Celebration will continue across the street from Caddyshack at Chicane's at Inn on the Lakes from 10:00 pm until.......
If you have any questions, please call Peter Asciutto at 704-244-0109 or by e-mail at
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