The 18th Annual Rooney's 5K will take place on April 19, 2025 in West Palm Beach, FL.
Since 2008, we've raised over $237,796.31 for charities located throughout Palm Beach County. This year's charities are Connections Education Center, Palm Beach County - Police Athletic League, Potentia Academy, and Westgate CRA. Don't miss an exciting morning with a little exercise!!!! Race t-shirts and medals for all who participate.
Roads close at 7:15 AM, so please arrive before then.
NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED IN THE RACE! *T-shirts and medals for the first 400 who enter.
6:00AM - Registration
7:30AM - 5K Run/Walk Begins (SHARP!!)
7:45AM - Breakfast Opens
8:15AM - Kids 1 Mile
8:30AM - Awards Ceremony
For photos and more information go to:
Register today and tell your friends!!
Packet Pick Up
18th Annual Rooney’s 5K Packet Pick Up Information!
Packet pick up will be on Friday, April 18.
The location for packet pick up has changed from previous years. This year it will be located at the North End of the PBKC Parking Lot from 3PM to 6PM. Please enter PBKC through the north parking lot entrance. Signs will be posted to direct you and we will be under a tent.
If you cannot pick up your packet Friday, registration opens at 6 AM on race day. You can pick up your race bib and shirt on race day.
Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Palm Beach Kennel Club
MapMyRun Map
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Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.