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The Moment For Unity 5K Virtual Walk/Run

Fri April 1 - Sat April 30 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 US
Share the Opportunity For Unity

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


 We are excited to invite you to Participate in our 2nd Annual, The Moment for Unity 5K Virtual Run/Walk in collaboration with “Inner City Innovators". It promises to be a unified event and an excellent opportunity for our community and local businesses to associate themselves with a worthwhile cause.

Incongruent to your participation, 20% of the proceeds are to be contributed to “Inner City Innovators.”

 They provide an extensive level of values and services including:

 Mentorship for young men and women between 15-24 years of age
 Providing anti-violence workshops, community engagement and mentoring workshops
 Partnership with community businesses to provide job training and placement services
 To find more information on their determination to end community violence visit

We are proud to support and deeply honored to connect with this non-profit organization.

By being a contribution to our community we get to provide an opportunity to empower and create a space for unity and keep in mind "Without Community Nothing Works."

Thank you in advance for joining The Moment For Unity 5k Virtual Walk/Run, and please know that your support will make a positively impactful difference in

the lives of people in our community.

 Here's how it works:

You'll receive an email when the race "starts" on April 1st
Run/Walk 5K and submit your results by text message or email (if you've opted in) or by heading to the results page here by the deadline of April 30th at 11:59 PM (Eastern Time). Results update in real time as people submit their times.
Be sure to take a selfie and share through the photo page post on social media with the hashtags #TMFUNITY and #TMFUNITY5K
After we verify the top finishers at each distance we will finalize the results and award prizes!

Here's what you get for signing up:

T-Shirt, Medal, Finisher Certificate


If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at:




There are no refunds of entry given for this event.

Want to run for free? With our referral program you can have your registration fee refunded!
Here is how it works:
1. Register online for The Moment For Unity 5k  Virtual Walk/Run
2. Receive a unique referral link via your confirmation page and email.
3. Share this link with your friends, family or post on social media.
4. After 5 registrants sign-up using your unique referral link you will automatically receive a refund of your registration fee.


Sign Up to Participate

Click register now at the top of this page to get signed up, and be sure to bring your friends! During registration you can also opt-in to report your race results via text or email (we’ll explain more below) and confirm your shipping address to ship your finishing items to you.

Print Your Digital Bib

You will have the opportunity to print a unique race themed digital bib. Be sure to take pictures and share through the RunSignup photo page on social media. Instructions on how to print your digital bib will be provided in pre race email.

Run Your Race

With this virtual event you’ve got 29 days to walk/run ! Walk/Run your race anytime between April 2nd and April 30th at 11:59PM ET. Walk/Run anywhere you like - your neighborhood, your favorite trail, your treadmill, etc. Be sure to take a screenshot of your running app, or picture of your smartwatch or treadmill and post in *THE MOMENT FOR UNITY VIRTUAL 5K WALK/RUN FACEBOOK GROUP

*Note: You can create your own route through and If you are in the West Palm Beach Beach area there are routes available down below

Submit Results

After you run your race you can submit through text or email (if opted in), or directly on the results page from April 2nd through April 30th (11:59PM Eastern Time). Don’t forget: you MUST run your race during this time period - runs completed outside of this window will not be eligible for awards. If you have questions about submitting results don't hesitate to reach out to us at Results automatically update as times are submitted, so you can check the results to see how you stack up against the other participants. 

Send Us a Selfie!

If you don’t take a picture did it even happen? We’d love to see your pre- and post-race pictures! You can post them directly to the RunSignup photo page or 


*TO STAY PUMPED throughout the month Check out our TMFU virtual 5K walk/run 2022 playlist!



Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.




MapMyRun Map


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Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

Interested in Learning More?

We will contact you with more information about our virtual walk/run event.

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