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Sat April 26, 2025 Jackson, MI 49203 US Directions

ORS Race Series No Dog Policy

ORS Race Series No Dog Policy

ORS Race Series has adopted a NO dog/animal policy for race participants, volunteers, and spectators.  We are adopting this in an abundance of caution for the safety of all people attending and participating in our races.  

Please be it known that we are dog lovers and many of our race directors have and train with animals of their own.  Unfortunately, even good dogs, dogs that are leashed, muzzled can cause problems at our races.  Dogs, can intimidate other visitors; and not everyone is comfortable around dogs. They can also be injured in fights with other animals or unintentionally hinder safe travelling/passing along the courses.

To prevent these problems and more, DOGS ARE NOT ALLOWED AT ANY ORS RACE SERIES RACE. Unfortunately, the behaviors of a few dog owners in the past have highlighted that allowing dogs at our events is a liability we cannot shoulder. Should your family or friends bring a dog to the event, you will be immediately disqualified from the event. It is your responsibility to ensure they know to leave poochie at home.

**NOTE: Service dogs are allowed; in accordance with The Americans with Disabilities Act, including titles II and III of the law. Those that wish to run/walk with a service animal, please communicate directly with the specific race director to provide supporting documentation, as well as have the animal in their appropriate service animal attire on race day.  We will also ask that you start at the back of the group to allow the crowd to disperse, allowing an open road course for participants.

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