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Check back here for updates & announcements throughout the challenge!



Happy Stepping everyone, please reach out to if you have issues logging  your step counts. 

We have already ran into an issue as some users only have the option to log their steps as miles. I am working with the site provider to clear this issue. If you have this issue you can still submit your results in the unit of miles and the system will automatically convert into steps at a later time.



Every Friday 10/13, 10/20, and 10/27 one random participant will receive a produce box donated by Farm to School! To be entered into the random drawing make sure to submit steps for at least one day in the week.

Every Tuesday 10/17, 10/24, and 10/31 one random participant will receive a $10 Amazon gift card. To be entered into the random drawing make sure to submit steps for at least one day in the week.  


  1. Best Social Media Influencer
  2. Top Stepper 
  3. Best Community Mover


10/13/2023 Farm to School Produce Box Winner is...... DAVID PERFINO from OMCHS!! 

10/17/2023 $10 Amazon Giftcard Winner is.... Sabrina Baker from RMHS!!!

10/20/2023 Farm to School Produce Box Winner is......


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