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Sponsorship Opportunities

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An Event to benefit the Alabama Lyme Disease Association:
The Alabama Lyme Disease Association has worked tirelessly the last 5 years since its founding to shift the paradigm of Lyme Disease and other tick-borne infections by educating Alabama as well as the southeast on this insidious disease.  We strive to help those suffering from these infections by offering support and disseminating information that educates and empowers patients, families, healthcare workers and the community at large to advocate for themselves in their goal to regain their health.  We offer support group meetings throughout the state as well as information, speakers, public events and news updates on legislative and scientific developments.  We also have helped fund much-needed research that is specific to tick-borne disease in the South.

ALDA collaborated with state representatives to help establish the Alabama Commission on Tick-borne illness that will be funded until 2021 moving us one step closer to becoming a leader in tick-borne disease research.  We are also collaborating with the Alabama Department of Health to establish better tick surveillance, physician education as well as better public awareness as to the prevalence of these infections in Alabama.  With many of our counties now endemic for Lyme Disease, the potential for contracting a serious tick-borne illness in the state has become more evident.  This year, we have had a significant increase in calls from those seeking a diagnosis, treatment or have been recently bitten and are looking for answers.  Delayed or missed diagnosis have led many patients in our state to develop chronic tick-borne illnesses which are significantly more difficult to treat than those caught early.

We can only achieve these goals with the generous donations from members of our community.  Would you please consider becoming a sponsor or donating to this event?  Only by recognizing that there is still so much critical work to be done can we—as a community—end the suffering of so many.  ALDA is a 501(c)(3) organization by the Internal Revenue Service. We have no paid employees—just passionate volunteers determined to help offer hope to those suffering.  As we move forward, Alabama Lyme Disease Association affirms our commitment to be diligent stewards of your donor dollars.
Tina Neathammer, Race Director
3066 Zelda Road PMB#408 Montgomery, Alabama 36106



•       10 FREE Race registrations
•       Special recognition at Awards Ceremony
•       Top billing on all advertising materials/media promotions for the 5K event
•       Extra Large Logo placed prominently on race t-shirts
•       Extra Large Logo placed prominently on banner and signage
•       Placement of promotional merchandise or materials in race packet
•       Sponsor recognition in registration packets, ALDA website and Facebook

•      4 FREE Race registrations
•       Large Company logo on all event day literature including event program
•       Large Company logo on race t-shirts
•       Large Company logo on banner and signage
•       Placement of promotional merchandise or materials in the race packet
•       Sponsor recognition in registration packets, ALDA website and Facebook

•       3 FREE Race registrations
•       Medium Company Logo on all event day literature including event program
•       Medium Company logo on race t-shirts
•       Medium Company logo on banner and signage
•       Sponsor recognition in registration packets, ALDA website and Facebook.

·         2 FREE Race Registrations
·         Small Company logo on race t-shirts
·         Small Company logo on all event day literature including event program
·         Sponsor recognition in registration packets, ALDA website and Facebook

SUPPORTING  SPONSOR-Product/In-Kind  Donation
We are also seeking product/monetary donations (Gift cards, water bottles, key chains, t-shirts, sports drinks, water, snacks, anything that could be used as door prizes, etc.).  It is at your discretion to provide the quantity of items as they could be used to either be included in a raffle or distributed to all racers.  In exchange for such a product donation, the following promotional services will be provided:
·         Sponsor recognition in race packets
·         Sponsor recognition on ALDA website and Facebook

Valued Sponsors

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