Road Closure Info
Circus Boulevard from Calliandra Drive (just south of Bobby Jones Golf Course's main parking lot) south to Beneva Road will be closed on Saturday, August 10, 2019 from 715 a.m. until 8:30 a.m. for the race. No through traffic will be allowed during this time.
Traffic to Bobby Jones Golf Course will be able to get to the main parking lot via 17th Street to Circus Blvd.
Traffic into the Glen Oaks Estates, Glen Oaks Ridge, and Glen Oaks Gardens can access the neighborhoods from 17th Street onto Prudence or 17th Street onto Circus Blvd to Calliandra Drive. Traffic exiting the Glen Oaks neighborhood will be able to exit via Breezemont Dr to Glen Oaks Dr to Prudence St onto 17th Street or via Calliandra Drive westbound onto Beneva Road.
Please exercise caution in the area for runners and walkers on the road and in the Glen Oaks Estates Neighborhood.
Download the PDF for a course map and explanation of Circus Blvd Closure
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.