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Tue May 5 - Sun May 31 All Over, GA 000000000 US

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


All Over, GA US 000000000


5K a DAY for 5 DAYs CHALLENGE!  Run/Walk/Bike... 

Complete and track a 5k a day for 5 days straight and submit your 5 screenshots to our Facebook inbox or email them to The day you sign up is the day your tee will get shipped out so you can wear it for your last day 5K. 

This is ONE of MANY challenges coming your way from RTG Race Series! We want to keep you active and healthy.

We will continue to keep you accountable with our races and challenges. 

We will keep this challenge open for the month of MAY for everyone to accept and complete. If you have any questions please feel free to shoot us an email or reach out to us on Facebook. 

CONGRATs on the new venture and good luck!


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


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Race Participant Survey

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