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International Home Run Run

Mon March 3 - Fri March 7 Anywhere, GA 30602 US
All Proceeds Benefit the Georgia 4-H Foundation

Race Website

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Anywhere, GA US 30602


The International Home Run Run

March 3-7, 2025

A Clover Glove 5k Race That Will Be Run Around the World Supporting Students

5K (3.1 miles) run anywhere-March 3-7. Finish times sent to us. We will place you in the worldwide race.  Age group (5 year) placing will be named. Overall, 4-H (age 9-19), Masters (age 40+) & Grand Master (age 50+) Champions will be named for male and female. A medallion mailed to overall winners in each of the 4 divisions. Points accumulate in Clover Glove & Black Bag Race Series. An additional award will be given to the runner running the race that is the greatest distance from Covington, GA (a birthplace of 4-H). 

Entry Fee:  Send $24 made payable to Georgia 4-H Foundation to Clover Glove, Georgia 4-H, Hoke Smith Annex, UGA, Athens, GA 30602 or register on Run Sign Up.  All proceeds from the race will be donated to 4-H. Help us make this truly International in scope.  Register online at or search at for International Home Run Run. 

T-Shirts- All entries will receive a long-sleeved shirt listing all locations of entries. Imagine being a runner in West Lafayette, IN and having a shirt showing you competed a Georgia race.   

Details: Register no later than February 24 by sending the form below by mail or registering at Run 3.1 miles at a location of your choice (treadmills not allowed.)  All times submitted on Run Sign Up. Access at, click on Races, and then “Results” by the name of the race. Must submit times no later than 11:59 p.m. on March 7. 

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