Atlanta, GA US 30311
Are ready to start a new journey with ME? The "I tri for ME Virtual Challenge" is for EVERYONE from first-timers to seasoned veterans who are looking to have some fun. This challenge gives our first-timers a nice low stress introduction to the world of Mutlisport. And it gives our veterans a chance to not only shakeout pre-season jitters but they can also gauge their current fitness level. This event is completely virtual giving participants the advantage of choosing course.
Step 1: Choose an Event
We are offering 4 different mutlisport events:
- Triathlon: Swim - Bike - Run
- Duathlon: Run - Bike - Run
- Aquabike: Swim - Bike
- Aquathlon: Swim: Run
Step 2: Choose Distance
For each event you will have the option of Super Duper Sprint or Super Sprint. Both options are relatively short events when compared to standard mutlisports event.
- Super Duper Sprints
- Swim - 100yds
- Bike - 5 miles
- Run - 1 mile
- Super Sprint
- Swim - 200yds
Bike - 10 miles
Run - 2 mile
- Swim - 200yds
Step 3: Determine Course
Everyone has home course advantage!!! Although you have the advantage of choosing your course, it will take a quite a bit of planning on your part. Please see our tips below for each discipline:
- Swim Leg
- Pool Swim: Determine the distance of the pool so that you are able to calculate the number of laps needed to complete your selected event.
- Open Water: Since there will be NO lifeguards, kayaks, paddle-boards, boats and medical support crew, you have to consider all safety precautions. If you swim outdoors for your virtual triathlon, you must swim with a swim buoy and/or support crew in a kayak/paddleboard. You must swim with a buddy and/or have someone overseeing your safety.
You are to record on your smart watch. If your smart watch does not record swimming distance or you do not own a smart watch you can opt to have a support person record your distance and time or simply using any timing device to record time such as your phone with appropriate gps tracking app.
- Bike Leg
- Indoor: Complete your bike segment on a Smart trainer, Power Meter, Peloton, Schwinn etc - Any indoor bike that will track your distance counts. Ride your distance and then record your time.
- Outdoor: If you are going to ride outdoors, choose a trail that is safe and away from traffic, there will be no road closures, flaggers and police so it is important to be safe away from vehicles. Follow all traffic laws.
You are to record on your smart watch. If your smart watch does not record cycling distance or you do not own a smart watch you can opt to have a support person record your distance and time or simply using any timing device to record time.
- Run Leg
- Indoor: On a treadmill run until you have completed your distance.
- Outdoor: A path, trail or a track is your safest option.
You are to record on your smart watch. If your smart watch does not record running distance or you do not own a smart watch you can opt to have a support person record your distance and time or simply using any timing device to record time such as your phone with appropriate gps tracking app.
- Transition
There will be NO official transition station to safely store your bike and all your gear, so you need to consider the logistics.
- Think about how you can quickly and smoothly move from one leg to the next and get all your gear and equipment ready to go.
- Remember to start your watch and record your time for each leg.
Example on how to transition from swim to bike:
- 5-8 min-Once swim leg is complete and before leaving the pool, stop your timing device to end the swim leg. Start timing device to begin transition. Exit the pool carefully and enter the locker room to dry off quickly (change if needed into dry clothes) get on bike gear (socks, shoes, helmet) grab your water bottle.
- 3-4 min-Exit the gym/pool facility, get your bike (either locked up at a bike rack or from your car), stop timing device to end transition time, start timing device to begin bike leg. Hop on your bike and crush it!!
Step 5: Race Day
After you have your plan: execute! Remember to start your watch and record your time for each leg. Lastly, HAVE FUN!!!
Step 6: Record Results
Visit the result page from the website. Click the plus sign near the search button to locate your name and submit your results! The instructions on how to submit results will be emailed to participants.
Step 7: Celebrate
Awards will be given to the overall winner for each event. How to be considered for an award:
- Must do all legs consecutively in ONE day
- Transition times must be shorter than 15 minutes.
If you don't care about awards, all of these logistics really don't matter as much! You could literally do the swim in the morning, the bike in the afternoon and the run in the evening. You could even do it over multiple days. Swim one day, bike the next and the following day, do the run. (Duathlon: Run one day, bike the next and the following day, do the last run, etc).
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.