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Sat February 22 - Mon March 31, 2025 Atlanta, GA 30306 US


Free 5k

$0 Registration ends March 6, 2025 at 11:59pm EST


1320 Monroe Dr NE
Atlanta, GA US 30306


This is a FREE virtual 5k that we are putting on for the purpose of raising funds to help a family who is beloved by and a big part of the running community and is going thru financial hardships and setbacks. As someone who has felt the love and support from the running community when my family was going thru difficult times I am excited to be able to return the favor. Let's show some love to this family and have some fun at the same time! When registering if you only want to do the virtual run that will be totally free; however you will have the option to add on a short sleeve t-shirt and/or trucker hat and you will also be able to make a donation if you wish. 100% of the proceeds will go to the family! We are not disclosing who this is benefitting because they have not asked for help and we would like to respect their privacy. 

Race registration will be open thru March 7th and at that time we will order the shirts and hats. It is a 2 week turnaround on these once ordered and we will need an additional week to get them shipped to you. So you should expect them no later than mid April.

You will be able to submit results form February 22 thru March 31st. 

If you have any questions please send an email to Kevin Randolph at

Race Contact Info

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