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2025 New Year Challenge - Year of the Snake 2.025 Mile 20.25 Mile 202.5 MILE

Sun January 26 - Fri February 28




Embrace the Year of the Snake in 2025 with our thrilling seventh New Year's Challenge! As we welcome the Lunar New Year on January 29, we invite you to commit to the New Year's Challenge of 2.025 miles, 20.25 miles, or 202.5 miles for the entire year. The choice is yours - complete the miles all at once or spread them out throughout 2025. How far will you go?

To make this journey even more meaningful, we're dedicated to raising awareness and support for Soles4Souls. This incredible organization creates sustainable job opportunities and provides relief by distributing shoes and clothing worldwide. When you upgrade to your next pair of running shoes, consider donating your old ones to Soles4Souls. Together, we can make a positive impact.

Participate in this race anytime between January and February 2025. The flexibility of this virtual event allows you to choose your course and time yourself - an ideal way to suit your schedule and preferences. Whether you aim to complete 2.025 miles, 20.25 miles, or an awe-inspiring 202.5 miles, every milestone counts in this incredible challenge.

*Medals and bibs will start shipping out December 2024! If you sign up after that they will ship out within 2 to 5 days of signing up!

With a registration cost of $22, you'll receive a commemorative medal and a bib, along a 15% donation to Soles4Souls!

Let's celebrate the Year of the Snake, raise awareness for Soles4Souls and make a difference! 

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.

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