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Edinburgh 5k

Sat July 4, 2020 Suwanee, GA 30024 US


Edinburgh 5k Walk/Run

7:30AM EDT - 8:30AM EDT


5344 Brendlynn Drive
Suwanee, GA US 30024


Edinburgh 5k Walk/Run

All ages welcome to participate in our first ever Edinburgh Community 5k walk/run.  Non-residents are welcome to participate as well.

When:  Saturday, July 4th

7:00 AM:  Check in and T-shirt pick up at Resident's Clubhouse

7:30 AM:  Start of race

Tshirts are provided to registered residents at no charge.  Non-residents may order a t-shirt at $8 per shirt.  A check made out to Edinburgh HOA with a memo of "Edinburgh 5K nonresident tshirt", needs to be dropped off in the HOA dropbox at the residents clubhouse by July 1.

**T-Shirts are guaranteed to only those registered by 6/22/2020.

Please help us restock the shelves of the Gwinnett Co-op, bring the following donations to the 7:00am check in.

Needed items:  Boxed cereal, canned fruits, canned chicken, taco kits and paper towels.

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, please contact the race director at

5k Route Map

Edinburgh 5k Route Directions


Start at Resident Clubhouse parking lot, near tennis courts

Head thru parking lot and Right onto Brendlynn Drive

Left on Binghurst Court and make loop at Binghurst Court cul-de-sac

Make a right back onto Brendlynn Drive and continue past the clubhouse to Brendlynn Court

Make a right onto Brendlynn Court and make a loop at Brendlynn Court cul-de-sac

Make a right back onto Brendlynn Drive and continue on Brendlynn Drive, keeping to the right at the fork until you reach the end

Make a loop at the Brendlynn Drive cul de sac

***Water Station at Brendlynn Drive cul de sac

Continue back toward the clubhouse on Brendlynn Drive, keeping to the right at the fork

Make a right into the Resident Clubhouse and finish near the tennis courts

***Water station at the finish line


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