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Let the Run to 22 and the Ride to 22 Challenge begin!

If you're joining us again from the Run to 21, welcome back! And you read right, we added a cycling challenge to the miles challenge. So lets see how many miles can you do!

Test your grit and mental toughness as a beginner or elite, you'll have the remainder of 2021 and the first month of 2022 to walk, hike, jog, run, and cycle the distance (outdoor or indoors) of the virtual challenge you selected. Take your time or ramp it up in completing the challenge, but don't forget to keep track of your progress and log it here on this website. 

Share a selfie and let everyone know that you're part of the #MilesChallenge #RunTo22 #RideTo22. Make sure to tag @UproarGuam @TrenchChallenge @KUAMnews too. "You got this Guam!"

Log & Track your mileage here as you go, once you've reached your challenge distance, you're done! 
Your Finisher Shirt & Finisher Medal will be ready for pickup or shipped by mail on a set date at the end of this event. 




Submit results here as you go


You'll have till the end of January 2022 to walk, hike, jog, or run the distance of the virtual course you selected.
Track and input your mileage through this website as you go, and once you've reached your course distance, the challenge is complete.

Join the Run/Ride to Challenge club on STRAVA as we cheer each other on and give kudos as you reach your goal! 

*If you've already been putting in some distance, don't worry, you can log in miles you've already done as early as 11/01/21.
Register now before the price increase on 11/24/21. Registration closes 12/01/21.
This event is open to all participants on and off island. Shipping options are available upon checkout.

Race Package

All participants that complete their challenge will receive an exclusive Performance Poly-Tech Shirt with the distance completed, Finisher medal with distance completed, a printable digital race bib, and a digital finisher certificate.

*Please make sure you select the correct finisher shirt size (There are Mens & Ladies sizes on the dropdown selection) all of the goods are made to order, therefore not exchangeable. 

Race kits for in-person pickup will be available on February at Custom Fitness in Anigua (Dates & Times to be posted on our Facebook page and website when orders arrive on island). Those that chose kits to be mailed and paid for postage will be sent out on February 1st.


Are you on STRAVA? Join our Miles Challenge club to see what other STRAVA users are tracking. You might see someone you know and you can give kudos and cheer each other on to reach your goal! 
*Note: You'll still need to input results on this website to track your goal progress.

Join STRAVA group


Connect with fellow challengers on island and around the world. Keep up to speed with what's going on during the Run and Ride to 22 Challenge! Be sure to follow us on Facebook!

Follow us on FACEBOOK


See the CDC's recommended guidelines on physical activities. Make sure to follow the safety guidelines in your area when exercising outdoors.

CDC Information Safety Tips


During registration, you’ll have the opportunity to make a donation to the EMC Cancer Foundation. As you gear up for the Run or Ride to 22 Challenge, you'll be supporting the non-profit organization and their mission to provide financial grants to those battling cancer in Guam. Living with cancer can take a physical, financial, and emotional toll on an individual and the EMC Cancer Foundation aims to help alleviate some of these burdens. 100% of your donation received will stay right here in Guam to support this mission. 


Challenge Days Remaining


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