The entire 3.1 miles is held off-road through the gorgeous farm. Primarily flat with some rolling hills, you'll traverse through the working dairy farm past some cows, pigs and incredible scenery.Â
Given it's through a working farm, please be aware of your footing at all times. Take turns a little slower than you normally would.Â
If it rains race day or even the days leading up, the course could become very muddy. Do not wear your brand new running shoes if this is the case :)Â
You chose a wave time during registration. Please be sure to only start with your assigned wave. If you forgot which wave you signed up for, you can quickly find it one of two ways:
1) Check your confirmation email
2) Log-in to your RunSignUp account > Profile > Manage Registration. Your wave time will be viewable near the bottom of the 'My Registration' page.Â
After grabbing your packet, you should prepare your bib before entering the start line area. Here are the important steps:
1) Fill out the back of your bib with your emergency contact details
2) Affix your bib using safety pins on the front of your body, centered on your stomach
3) Ensure it's on the outermost layer
Why? There is a timing chip on the back of your bib. If it isn't centered or it's covered, your chip may not read. Further, if we cannot easily see your bib number, your race photos will be tougher to find after the event!
When your wave time is near, head to the start line area and wait off to the side, outside the fencing. Once your wave time arrives, simply head into the start line chute and cross under the arch. It's go time!Â
To ensure a wonderful experience for all, please follow these guidelines:
- If you're running, stick to the left. If you're walking, stick to the right. Very much like a highway, it is safer to pass fellow participants on the left hand side!
- If you are with a group, please be cognizant of all the other people. Instead of running with four people across, which will block the entire path, run two people. Then, the other two in the group can be right behind you!
- Please do not litter either on the course or anywhere on the property. We will have trash cans near all tents, the start line, and finish line. If you have trash, please simply hold onto it until you are near a trash can.Â
We will have volunteers at various parts of the course as well as event staff roaming throughout the morning. If there is a minor issue, please stop and speak with either one. We also have EMS on-site ready to assist with injuries or other potential medical issues.Â
In the event of a medical emergency, call 911 immediately and notify the nearest event staff member or volunteer so we can notify on-site EMS to come assist.Â
If you find a set of keys, a lost cell phone, etc., please return to the volunteer tent so we can try to reunite it with the owner. If you've lost something, the volunteer tent should be your first stop!Â
For those of you participating in the Tough Pumpkin option, be sure to pick up your packet at the Packet Pick-Up tent first. Then, head over to the Tough Pumpkin booth marked by the large teardrop banner. You will use the tear-off on your bib to select your Tough Pumpkin.
Sizes will range from approximately 2-10 pounds.Â
Tip: Come to early packet pick-up on Friday for a greater range of sizes!
Please note, these pumpkins are NOT the complimentary pumpkins included in every registration. The pumpkins at the Tough Pumpkin booth are for Tough Pumpkin participants only! Everyone will receive the included pumpkin at the end of the race once you cross the finish line!