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Green Traill 5K 2025

Sun May 4, 2025 Easton, PA 18042 US Directions


Frequently Asked Questions:


Did you spell "trail" wrong? No! Our event is named after Dr. Traill Green, founder of Easton Cemetery. The name honors Green, a medical doctor, teacher, botanist, geologist, chemist, professor, humanitarian, and author, and also refers to our greenspace initiatives.


What if I don't want the shirt? When registering, there is an option to choose "No Shirt."


Do your events have age limitations?
The 5K Run and 2 Mile Walk do not have age limitations, though anyone under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. The Youth Fun run is designed for folks under 10 years of age. All participants under the age of 18 must have parent or guardian permission to register. Parents must complete the waiver on the registration form.


Can I get a refund or defer my 2025 registration to 2026? Sorry, we do not offer refunds or deferrals. If you think your ability to race on May 4th is uncertain, we suggest purchasing the offered insurance when you register, which will entitle you to a refund if you are not able to participate.


Will you close registration? We will close registration on May 2, 2025 at 11:59 PM and will open in-person registration at Easton Cemetery beginning at 7:00 AM on May 4, 2025 (race day). Race day registration concludes at 8:00 AM on May 4, 2025. Please get there early!


When is bib pick up? Bib pick-up is Sunday, May 4, 2025 beginning at 7:00 AM in Easton Cemetery. We may have a bib pick up option on Saturday, May 3 at the Easton Farmers' Market. Stay tuned for details. 


Can I have a friend or relative pick up my bib for me? Yes! One person can pick up multiple bibs for friends and family. Please bring their name and bib number if you have it. 


I’m not going to be able to run or walk the race. Can I give my bib to someone else? No. Bibs are assigned to specific racers who are entered in specific gender classes and age groups. Giving your bib to another racer can cause major problems in scoring, depriving deserving racers from winning awards or meeting place goals. Please do not give your bib to another racer. 


I am registered as a Green Traill 5K Run participant but I’d prefer to walk the 2 Mile Walk. Can I switch my registration? Yes! When you pick up your bib, ask to switch races and you will be directed to a race official who can switch you to the 2 Mile Race. Or, email us beforehand:


Will there be bathrooms along the route? Yes, there is an area not far from the Start/Finish line for portapotties. 


What is the surface of the Green Traill 5K event? This is a road race, on some smooth, some not so smooth roads. Expect loose gravel, potholes, sticks, leaves and rough surfaces. And yes, there are hills! It's not great for wheelchairs or strollers. The roads are not smooth (potholes, gravel, steep hills).


Can I bring my dog to run/walk with me during the race? Yes! Only if the dog is leashed and you are mindful of other runners and walkers along the course.


Will there be food available at the finish line? Yes! Thanks to the kindness of our friends at Easton Baking, Two Rivers Brewing, ThreeBirds Coffee House, and Scholl Orchards will will have post-race beverages and treats. 


Is there parking nearby? There is no parking inside the Easton Cemetery on race day. But if you arrive early enough you can find free parking in the neighborhood, or head downtown and park in one of the City's garages or at a meter. There is a steep hill to get to the entrance to the cemetery. Allow extra time for parking!


Is the event rain or shine? YES! It's a good time either way. 


What is this virtual event? So glad you asked! Many of you have loved ones in Easton Cemetery but you live too far away. This is a way to feel a part of something while donating to a good cause. Run or walk your 3.1 miles anytime that weekend, upload your results (if you'd like to), and we'll send you a special note of thanks. 


For any technical issues regarding the online registration process, please contact the registration platform, RaceRoster, through the “Contact” button at the top right corner of the registration page.

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