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First National Bank | YMCA Harrisburg Mile

Wed July 16, 2025 Harrisburg, PA 17101 US

Corporate Challenge

The WINK 104 Corporate Challenge is an annual tradition at the Harrisburg Mile.
With hundreds of participants from many companies in the Central PA region, this event is a great team-building opportunity and also a chance to showcase your brand at the Harrisburg Mile!

Corporate Challenge Heat Times (your heat time will be listed on your race bib):
  • All-Employee Division
    • All team members are actively employed by the company they are representing. 
  • All-Employee Division, all 40+
    • All team members are actively employed by the company they are representing and are all 40+
  • Open Division
    • Teams are open to employees, friends, family, etc. 
      • Ex. A company has a team where there are three employees and two non-employees want to participate. This is the type of team that would be part of the Open Division. 
  • Open Division, all 40+
    • Teams are open to employees, friends, family, etc. and are all 40+
  • Awards are scored by cumulative chip time, meaning the time for all participants on one team are added together. 
  • Only teams of 5 are eligible for awards. 
  • Awards will be given out based on the top 3 teams for the divisions listed above. 
  • Teams are 3-5 are permitted, but only teams of 5 are eligible for awards. 
  • Please note that there are no roster changes on race day.
  • We are using the honor system regarding teams signing up for the proper division. The race reserves the right to disqualify an award-winning team in either All-Employee divisions if they have non-employees on the roster or if all members are not 40+ in the All-40+ division(s). 
Online registration is preferred. If unable to register online, please contact










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