Course Details
The Course
Prepare to enjoy the scenic beauty of the Sierras and local foothills, and also observe the devastation of the 2020 Creek Fire. The 13.1 mile course offers great views of the valley floor. The course begins in front of Cressman's General Store on Highway 168. You will be taking Auberry Road down and will stay on it until you reach the finish line at the (Old) Auberry Elementary School.
Start Line
The staging area for the start is at Cressman’s General Store. Race-Day packet pick-up, bag check, water are held in this area. Please note that No Parking is available at this location. Runners may be dropped off only. We highly encourage runners to use the Bus Shuttle service.
Aid Stations
Six aid stations will be placed on-course between the start and finish areas. Various non-profits, school teams and other groups host these stations. They are placed on-course at approximately these locations; miles 2.5, 4.5, 6.6, 8.4, 10.1 and 11.7. Water will be offered at each station and Gatorade will be provided at aid stations 6.6, 8.4, 10.1, 11.7. Gels and/or energy bars will not be placed at aid stations due to environmental concerns (litter). Bring your own if you wish and please discard wrappers in trash receptacles at aid stations, or put them in your pocket and not alongside the road.
Will be located at the Start Line, mile 4.5, 9.2, and the Finish area.
Please show your appreciation as you pass each aid station and obey the law officers and course monitors who are working hard to keep you safe.
Finish Line
The finish line is located at the Old Auberry Elementary School (33367 N. Auberry Rd., Auberry). Please make sure that you park south of the school, as there is no parking north of it.