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Highlands Ranch 5k

Sun February 22, 2026 Highlands Ranch, CO 80130 US Directions


Most FAQs are answered on our parent website, CLICK HERE to be redirected.


One of the most common questions regarding a race in Colorado in February is "What about the weather?" 

We will produce the event under almost any conditions.  If there is active lightning, a tornado warning, white-out blizzard conditions, or forecasted temps 0*F or below, then the event may be postponed (up to 1 hour) or canceled.  Registrants will be notified - see the FAQ page for details. There is no alternate date scheduled for the event.  Of course, event swag would be made available to registrants at an alternative date/location, if this is ever the case.  For those who are concerned about such conditions, an event protection optional coverage is something to consider and is made available at the time of registration.  Likewise, advance registration is NOT required and you may register online or in-person up until the start time of the event.  Additionally, there are options to transfer to another race date/location owned by 3W Races if you chose to transfer at least 72 hours before the start of the event.  See the FAQ page for details and instructions on how to complete such transfer.

Another common question is "Can I bring my dog and/or stroller?"
For this specific race, YES! We ask that your well-behaved dogs are kept on a short leash and that you start near the back and/or off to the side to prevent tripping other racers. Also, this course is VERY stroller friendly, for all types of strollers.


Groups of 5 or more save $5 per person! 

The way this works is as follows:
-Participant 1: Signs up first at full price and creates a TEAM. You will have to create a team name and a password so that only your group can sign up with you. (Click here for info on how to create a team.)
-Participants 2 through 4: Register like normal making sure to join the team, at full price.
-Participant 5 and on: Signs up, joining the team as well, and notices their registration is $5 cheaper! WOOHOO! 
Then, a $5 refund is automatically applied to participants 1 through 4 (assuming they paid at least $5.00 for the race)!

Cool, huh?
Teams must be created or joined at time of registration. Team Rewards/Refunds will not be awarded retroactively. I.E: you must sign up for a team at registration to be eligible for the $5 discount or refund.
Click here for info on how to join a team when registering.
(For races that have a free fun run or 1 Mile Fun run, the $5 discount does not apply nor does it count as one of the minimum of 5 members to receive the discount.)

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