About The Bay Circuit Trail
About the Bay Circuit Trail
The trail and greenway is located close to 4 million people in Eastern Massachusetts, starting at the mouth of the Merrimack River and ending in Kingston Bay. The BCT, a close-to-home trail, offers a variety of recreation options including: walking, biking, snowshoeing, horseback riding and cross-country skiing. Many sections of the trail are accessible by the MBTA commuter rail and other public transit systems.
Since 2012, the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) has led Bay Circuit Trail partners in the completion, enhancement of the trail, and also the long-term protection of this greenway. At present, more than 230 miles of multi-use, passive recreational trail have been dedicated, thanks to the contributions of hundreds of volunteers in 37 cooperating towns.
Furthermore, the AMC guides local communities in establishing their portion of the Bay Circuit Trail through planning and technical assistance, route identification, land protection, trail management and construction. Our sustained contact with state and federal government representatives and agencies helps us promote the Bay Circuit concept and improve trail-wide issues.
To fulfill the vision of the Bay Circuit, AMC has been working to close the final gaps of the trail. We are working to document varied uses on the trail, improve the recreational experience, secure permanent protection for the trail corridor, and encourage the public to explore the trail’s 230+ miles.