Build Wells in Africa
"One drop after another drop fills the pot." - African Proverb
On average in Africa, women and children walk 4 miles each day to gather dirty water that often causes disease and death. By providing access to fresh, clean water, we can create healthy communities!
Water for Good - Central African Republic
For most of the 4.7 million people who live in the Central African Republic, collecting water means an hour-long walk hauling heavy 44-pound jugs of water from streams, rivers and seep holes — water that isn’t even sanitary. Water for Good, formed in 2003, is a nonprofit that not only drills wells, but does so relying on all local staff that provide regular well maintenance. The local staff build relationships with communities, and work with them to start projects that will prosper and empower the community long-term. When people have power over their well and begin to assert that same power in their life choices, it’s transformative for a community. Water for Good's goal is to ensure clean, lasting water for every man, woman, and child in the Central African Republic.