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Homecoming 5k - Colorado State University

Sat October 26, 2024 Fort Collins, CO 80523 US Directions


The race occurs on the same day as the CSU Homecoming football game, so there are a few important notes regarding parking outlined below:

  •  Beginning at 10 a.m. Colorado State University will start enforcing game day parking, meaning all vehicles parked on campus lots without a game day pass at this time will be towed and/or ticketed.

  • We recommend coming to the CSU campus for the 5K via public transportation, such as the MAX, rideshare programs, or biking/walking.

  • ON-CAMPUS PARKING - Lots #305, #310, & #315 See map below. 
    Cars must vacate parking lot by 10:00 am or will be subject to  ticketing per game day parking rules.

  • Neighborhoods to the north of Laurel St. and east of College Ave. also allow for two-hour street parking once daily. Park on any of these neighborhood streets and it's a nice warm-up walk/jog over to the Oval for the race.

  • Please follow all guidelines and signage when parking on or near campus, or consider public and shared rider transportation in alliance with the sustainable vision of Colorado State University.

THIS IS A GREEN EVENT - PLEASE CARPOOL or RIDE YOUR BIKE! There are plenty of bike racks onsite near the start/finish.

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