Tips for success
Here are some tips to get you to the end of this journey in better shape than you started and be healthy!
- Consistency - Improving as a walker or running is fundamentally built around being consistent. Making running/walking a daily habit is integral to your success. We absolutely encourage days off, they're part of the healing and growing process. However don't take too much time off and then try to do too much to catch back up, that's how you get injured!
- Well rounded - Sleep, rest, hydration, and nutrition are just as important as the training. They are truly integral parts of training so hydrate, get good rest, take days off, eat well, and always get good sleep!
- Support Network - Run/walk with friends! It is truly incredible how motivating it can be to be around peers with like-minded goals. They help drive us and we push one another to be better. Surround yourself with other people who will lift you up and push you forward!
- Ask for Help - Don't be afraid to ask for help when you're unsure of what to do. Looking at new running shoes? Suggestions for a new place to hike? That's why we have a great community on our Facebook group. Let our community be a resource to help you on the journey!
- Believe - Lastly, believe in yourself. Never underestimate the power of a positive mindset. We can be our own worst enemies sometimes, but when we believe in ourselves, the human potential is unlimited, you've got this!