Logging in your distance run
Thanks for signing up for the Run Across Missouri Challenge! It is going to be a great way to stay motivated and active this Summer!
The contest kicks off on Memorial Day and “runs” through Labor Day! After each run, you will be able to go HERE and look up your name and enter the distance of your workout. Distances run before May 25 do not count towards the Challenge and if you don't sign up until after Memorial Day, distances run before you register won't count either.
The distance that you enter will show up on your running tally and you will show up in the list of other Challenge participants, ranked by distance completed to date. If you run more than once in a day, your second entry for the day will override your first entry so you will need to log in your total for the day on your second or subsequent login on any given day. When you then enter your next run on a subsequent day, you will just go back to entering the distance of that days run.
This Challenge is designed to only count the distance you cover in a workout, not the walking or steps you take during your normal activity of the day. Treadmill distance counts but elliptical workout distance does not. This is an honor system challenge and is designed to help keep you active and motivated and we look forward to seeing how you do!
We will be contacting you from time to time this summer with updates and fun informal contests and will also be setting up a Run Across the States FB page for you to follow and submit photos of your progress towards your goal! We hope you enjoy this Challenge and look forward to sending your Challenge medal when you reach your goal!