Race Website
Additional race information can be found at http://www.gemstate.org/alumni/color-run.
Caldwell, ID US 83607
Fun for the the whole Family! 5K Color Fun Run/Walk, Kids Run, Awards Ceremony & Color Celebration, Easter Egg Hunt, Face Painting, Bounce House, Kid-friendly Activities, Food Vendors, and more...
Parents and children can walk or run together in the race. Strollers and dogs on a leash are also welcome on the race course. Each mile marker will be celebrated with a color splash on your white t-shirt. All participants who register by March 15 will be guaranteed a shirt. Everyone is welcome to join in the final color celebration after the awards ceremony. Great prizes available!
- 5K Color Fun Run Run/Walk starts at 10:00 am (Check-in 9:00-9:30 am) - includes white t-shirt, color powder, and race bib
- Food & Activity Booths Open at 10:00 am
- 5K Color Fun Run/Walk Awards Ceremony & Color Celebration at 11:00 am (prizes & raffle drawings)
- Kids 200 Meter Run (ages 0-11) starts at 11:30 am. Distance is 200 meters or 1/8 mile.
- Easter Egg Hunt starts at 11:45 am. Win a free scholarship!
- Food & Activity Booths Close at 1:00 pm
- Registration price changes after March 15, 2018
- Packet pick up at GSAA March 30, 5-7 pm; March 31, 8:45-9:30 pm; April 1 (race day), 9:00-9:30 am
- Early Registration (before March 15) $30 Adult |$15 Ages 11-18 | $6 Ages 3-10 | Free 2 and Under
- Late Registration (after March 15) $35 Adult |$18 Ages 11-18 | $6 Ages 3-10 | Free 2 and Under
- Kids Run Entry Fee $6 (unless already participating in color run, then no fee)
There will be color stations at each mile marker and a final color celebration after the race. Additional color packets and white-shirts will be available for purchase for nonrunners to participate in the color celebration.
Visit our website to learn more at www.gemstate.org/alumni/color-run!
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
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Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.