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Virtual Walk for Autism Acceptance in North Idaho

Sun September 13, 2020 Coeur d' Alene, ID 83814 US Directions

Walk Website

Additional walk information can be found at


411 N. 15th Street, Suite 111
Coeur d' Alene, ID US 83814

Walk Contact Info

If you have any questions about this walk, click the button below.


The Panhandle Autism Society is excited about our 10th annual Virtual Walk for Autism Acceptance in North Idaho! Last year we were humbled by our communities participation and support with over 800 individuals participating in the event! This event is the biggest fundraiser for autism awareness in the North Idaho area. All proceeds go to benefit the Panhandle Autism Society.  The donations are used exclusively to benefit families and individuals in North Idaho whose lives are impacted by autism.

The funds from last years walk helped contribute to: Funding nearly $15,000 in local individual grants,  4 social and support groups were continued with record number attendance at our teen and tween groups, parents were again able to attend our fall conference and we were able to continue our mission to train law enforcment and 1st responders in North Idaho and surrounding areas, attend a multitude of community events where we spread AUTISM AWARENESS throughout our amazing community! Thank YOU North Idaho as none of this is possible with out your continued SUPPORT!

2020 has been a learning curve and new experience for many of us and affected our community in a multitude of ways. However, we would still love to come together through a virtual walk to celebrate and continue supporting autism acceptance in our community and the five northern counties that Panhandle Autism Society supports. Please join us for our virtual event on September 13, 2020! 

T-Shirts will be available for pickup on Saturday, September 12th, 2020. Pickup will be located at the Harding Center located at 411 N. 15th Street, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814. Pickup is from 10am-3pm that day. We look forward to seeing you then! 



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