Decatur, IL US 62521
Lace up, dress up, and join the Decatur Park District for a 1/2 Mile Critter Crawl (Kid's Run/Walk), 5K run/walk, 5k run, or 10K run on the lighted runway. Prizes in all age divisions and awards for best costume. After party with dinner! Register by October 2nd to guarantee a dinner. The course is wheelchair accessible and baby stroller friendly. For security reasons, no bikes, rollerblades, inline skates or pets allowed. Race benefits educational programming and student outreach at Decatur Airport.
Race time: Critter Crawl at 6pm/Races begin at 630pm
Fee: Critter Crawl 200m Run/Walk (Kids Race12 & Under) $30 by October 2nd ($35 on race day); 5k/10k Race $35 by October 2nd ($40 on race day)
Packet Pick-Up: Friday, Oct. 20th from 4pm-6pm at Decatur Airport Maintenance Building 740 S Airport Rd. Please park in the north end of the lot and walk through Gate 24 to Building 740 (the new firehouse). Bring your ID!
Race Day Registration/Check-in: 5:00pm - 6:00pm at Decatur Airport Maintenance Building same building as Packet Pick-Up. Bring your ID!
Each Runner will receive two drink tickets and a meal ticket. Runners under 21 years of age will receive 2 water/Gatorade tickets and 1 meal ticket.
Shirt Deadline passed October 2nd.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.