Herrin, IL US 62948
This race has been cancelled due to things....
In the country woods and farmland outside of Herrin, Illinois lies the remnants of what was a race from days gone by. The old 5k course at the Herrin Sports Complex still stands as a reminder of many great experiences to those who’ve raced its fast flat terrain. A venue where one minor tactical error could cost you two to three spots of placement. The final G2 race took place in April of 2018 and those events will never be forgotten, but in its ashes, another has risen!
You will not get a t-shirt. You will not pay a fee. You must pre-register by noon on August 14th. You will get a bib. The race will be timed. First place male and female overall awards only....they may be a scrap piece of wood or something else...
Why August 14th? Because it fits my schedule.
Will the course be marked? Doubtful
Will there be a fun run? No
Will there be aid stations? No
Can I sign up as a walker? No
What should I expect in my swag bag? Nothing. Don't even expect a bag.
Can I choose my own bib number? No
Will there be live results? Of course. You will know precisely when you are finished.
Is the course certified? No
Is the course exactly 3.9 miles? Yes, regardless of what your fancy watch says.
Will there be bathrooms available? Yes. There are plenty of trees however no TP will be provided.
Will I get a finisher's medal? No
Why don't we get shirts? Because its free
Why do we have to pre-register? Because I don't want to type your info in the timing computer, especially when you can't print legibly.
What happens if I get hurt? I suggest you find someone who can help you.
What if I can't be there at 6:30? Then don't come.
What if I'm late? Then you won't race, unless you bring me a gift. (I like Saucony. I'm a size 11. I also like tools)
Where can I find more information? The encyclopedia.
Can I defer my entry to next year? No
Can I give my entry to someone else? Its FREE!!! Why are you asking such silly questions?
Do I have to be a member of the River to River Runners? Yes, you can sign up on race day with $50 cash for a 1-day membership.
Will results be posted online? More than likely.
Where can my family go to see me race? The Boston Marathon
What if I have special dietary needs? Then deal with them.
Will there be a pre-race, runners meeting? No. I will say "go" or something similarly anti-climatic and you will run.
What if I sign up but then can't come? You will be publicly shamed on social media.
Why is this free? Because I'm a nice guy
When will the finish close? When I get tired of waiting on you.
Why are there no age groups? Because you didn't win...
Will the miles be marked? Just wait for your watch to beep. If you don't have a beeping watch, run with someone who does.
What if I get lost during the race? Run backwards so you will always see where you came from.
Can I leave my jacket with you at the start? Only if it is my size. I typically wear Large.
Can I leave my keys with you at the start? Yes, however if you drive a truck or sports car the likelihood you will get them back is slim.
Can I sign up on Race Day? You have until noon that day to register online. If you show up to the race without registering you will be required to do burpees until the race is over. Then you can run the course, but I will not wait on you.
Can I wear my bib on my back? You are dead to me.
My watch has a different time than my results? Your watch is a liar and you need friends.
Are strollers allowed? Strollers give an unfair advantage to your kids. If your kids cannot run the course in its entirety then they should not sign up. Please don't teach your kids to cheat.
Will there be race day photos? Yes, just not at this race.
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