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Ultimate Warrior Race

Sat November 7, 2020 Ina, IL 62846 US Directions


Elite 5k

9:00AM CST

Open 5k

9:20AM CST

2020 Event is Cancelled

This race will not be held in 2020.  Please be on the lookout for information about the 2021 event.


468 North Ken Gray Parkway
Ina, IL US 62846


Rend Lake College Warriors are hosting a 5K obstacle course. Challenge yourself
to become an Ultimate Warrior for a day. The course will have you climbing,
lifting, carrying, and crawling to a great finish. If an obstacle is not completed
competitors required to do 15 burpees.

Race Date: Saturday, Nov. 7 th
Cost: $40.00

Competitive wave starts at 9:00am
Open wave #1 9:20am

Start times will be assigned at registration


Competitive; open to ages 18 and over
Open: Participants of all ages

Race Shirts for Pre-registered deadline of Oct. 30, 2020


Top Male & Female Competitive

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.



Race Participant Survey

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