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Lincoln Memorial Garden Trail Race 8K

Sat June 7, 2025 Springfield, IL 62712 US Directions


8K Trail Race

$37 $32 7:30AM CDT
285 spots left. Price increases after April 15, 2025 at 11:59pm CDT

Kids Fun Run

$7.50 9:00AM CDT Registration ends June 7, 2025 at 8:30am CDT

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


2301 East Lake Shore Drive
Springfield, IL US 62712


The latest edition of the Lincoln Memorial Garden 8K Trail Race and associated Kids Fun Run in Springfield, Illinois is scheduled to be held on Saturday June 7, 2025.  Eight kilometers (4.97 miles) of trails – with the course entirely situated within the Garden - will test runners’ stamina over the scenic trails and pathways of the historic Garden, along the trails next to Lake Springfield, and throughout the Ostermeier Prairie Center grounds.  


We greatly appreciate the following very positive comments from previous races:


                                            “The course was well laid out and marked, the staff was very helpful,
                                                      and the snacks and drinks after were very welcomed.”


                                                             “Thanks for the great race.  I really enjoyed it!”


                                        “This was one of the best marked trails I have ever been on.  There wasn’t
                                                              a chance anyone could get lost on that course.”


                    “You made a lot of runners happy bringing this race back and doing such an amazing job with it.”


And, not to be left out, the kids can enjoy a Fun Run around the pond at the Cawley Meadow.
On-line registration will open on February 1, 2025  See the different registration prices below.  Register early and receive a $5 discount off the regular price for the 8K.  


Race Particulars  


Race Date:  Saturday June 7, 2025  (No rain date is scheduled and there are no refunds available for this race).
8K Start Time:  7:30 a.m.        Kids Fun Run Start Time:  9:00 a.m.
Registration site: 
Registration will open on February 1, 2024.
8K Trail Race  -   Early Registration is $32;  $37 after April 15, 2025 plus a variable signup fee. 
You will need to register on your own phone/computer; there will be no manual registration or on-site computers for registration at packet pickup or on race day.
Registration is open to a maximum of 300 participants.  Each participant receives a super-comfortable 50% cotton / 50% polyester shirt and a wooden tree branch medallion at race finish.  Food and drinks are provided after the race to participants.  Receipt of a shirt is guaranteed if registration is received before May18.  Registration remains open until 15 minutes before race time or until the 300-person participation limit is reached, whichever is sooner.


Kids Fun Run  -  No limit on number of participants.  Registration is $7.50 plus a variable signup fee.  Each participant receives a t-shirt and a finishing medal.  Age groups:  4 and under, 5-7, 8 and over.  The Youngest age group will run a straightaway next to the pond (34 yards); the Middle group runs one lap around the pond (225 yards); and the Older kids will run 2 laps around the pond (415 yards).  Registration ends 15 minutes before race time.  You will need to register on your own phone/computer; there will be no manual registration or on-site computers for registration at packet pickup or on race day.


Packet pickup:  Friday from 4-6 p.m. at the Springfield Running Center, 2943 W. White Oaks Drive, Springfield. Race-day pickup at LMG starts at 6:30 a.m.


The 8K is a no-spike race – the start/finish area is sidewalk and porous pavement.  There are also many wood-plank bridges throughout the course that spikes would damage. The bulk of the course is wood-chipped trails, fine-chip gravel trails, and grass trails.  There is also a short length of gravel driveway.


Elevation Data and Course Map: 


Awards for the 8K will be given to the winning man, woman, and non-binary finishers and to the first finishing man and woman Masters runners (40 and over).  These race winners and Masters winners will also receive a $50 gift card to the Springfield Running Center (Thank you, Tracy!).  Awards will also be presented to the second finishing non-binary runner and to the top three men and top three women finishers in the following age groups: 19 and under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70 and over.  Registrants selecting "Prefer not to say" under gender selection are not eligible for awards.
Special Project:   Would you be willing to add a donation to your registration fee for a Special Project?  Thanks to these extra donations from runners, LMG has purchased a spotting scope and tripod for wildlife viewing, an audio system for the bird feeder area to enhance visitor experience, and shade material for an enlarged covered stage area, which will be used to help keep our summer camp kids from getting too much sun during their activities.  This year we are thinking "aquarium makeover", turtles included, for aquatic education purposes.  Thanks much, runners!!
LMG website:


Thank you for your participation and support of Lincoln Memorial Garden!


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.




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