Colfax, IN US 46035
The Hickory Hustle 5K and Kids Run is back for 2023! Join us in Colfax, Indiana during Ole Hickory Days beginning with a fish fry on Friday, August 4th and continuing Saturday, August 5th. The 5K on Saturday, August 5 begins at 8:00 am and includes a Kids Run beginning at 8:45 am. Our course is mostly flat and includes a portion of the Big 4 Trail. All race proceeds and donations will benefit the Perry Township Volunteer Fire Department. Runners can register race day morning at the Perry Twp Vol Fire Dept located at 103 W. Main St in Colfax. The starting line is at Fire Station. The finish line is down the street at Colfax Christian Church, 314 S. Clark St.
Following the race hang around and race participants can enjoy a free breakfast at Colfax Christian Church. Breakfast donations are welcome and go to Dorcas Ladies.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.