Metric Century (approx. 64 miles)
Long Distance (approx. 50 miles)
Medium Distance (approx. 36 miles)
Short Distance (approx. 22 miles)
Family Ride (approx. 8 miles)
Wheels on Campus
Ride Website
Additional Ride information can be found at
2701 Spring Street
Fort Wayne, IN US 46808
The 13th Annual Spring Cycle event will feature a variety of tour distances so people of all ages and skill levels can participate! Tour distances include an 8-mile family ride, short, medium and long distances, and a Metric Century 100K. All tour routes will go southwest (the Metric Century 100K course will go into Huntington!).
The Spring Cycle is the perfect event for casual family rides and serious cyclists alike! All participants will receive a Spring Cycle t-shirt and finisher medal. Riders will not be timed.
The University of Saint Francis (Hutzell Athletic Center) will be the host of the Start and Finish Lines.
Fort4Fitness will again be offering Wheels on Campus. All ages are encouraged to bring their own kind of wheels: scooters, wagons, roller-skates, rollerblades, balance bikes, Heelys, strollers and skateboards. Registered participants receive a shirt and bib with a $3 off food voucher for the food trucks on-site. Participants 4 and under are free!
Those who can't participate in person can still participate virtually! Virtual Spring Cycle participants can complete their tour at any time and place of their choosing, and they will receive a t-shirt and medal.
Ride Contact Info
If you have any questions about this Ride, click the button below.
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