Countdown to the 13th Year Celebration and Indy's Most Lovin 5K & Half Marathon!!! Saturday - February 8, 2025
Most Lovin Fast, Flat Beautiful Course!
My Heart Spins Right Round For You...
Join Us for Our 13th Annual Valentine 5K and 4th Annual Half Marathon!!!
Who Will Your Heart Spin For? Him, Her or ......
Spin Your 13.1 Half Marathon Heart Right Round Baby Right Round to Show Off with Your Special Valentine!
or Grab Your Sweetie and Spin Your Heart for the 13th Anniversary of the Most Lovin 5k in Indy!!!
"Roses are red Violets are blue, I don't want Jewelry or Flowers,
Just let me Run/Walk and Spin My Heart with you"
Indoors @ NIFS!!!
So Much Lovin being Indoors at NIFS!
- Indoors Before the Race
- Indoors After the Race
- Access to NIFS Gym on Race Day
- Yummy Cupcakes plus other Snacks Enjoyed Indoors
- Warm Indoor Restrooms
- Awards Ceremony Indoors
Charity Partner
Riley Children’s Foundation is committed to improving the health and well-being of children through philanthropic leadership in support of Riley at IU Health and its research programs.